Sunday, September 16, 2012

Easy Living


If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer…
If you’re a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin,
Come in!
Come in!
-Shel Silverstein

            Another week gone and I’ve officially been in my apartment a month.  It’s as cozy as ever, although it probably has a few ripe items in its fridge that could use tossing.  This week has been surprisingly uneventful as I gear up for an exam and paper this week and two exams back to back next week!  Anywho here’s what the real world has dealt me this week:

#1: HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!! Yes ladies and gents it’s that time of year again-Tri Delt’s New Years cocktail!  If you’ll remember last year’s cocktail, I got stuck with a pretty dud date so this year I was taking no chances with the date.  I ended up taking one of my BFFs Paulina and we had a blast in our sequins.  It’s funny how much can change in a year though.  That dud of a date is now one of my good friends and we laugh about the awkwardness of the first college cocktail.  No regrets on my date choice for this year though!  We danced the night away, sans shoes (which in retrospect was a poor decision based on my glass-ridden foot), to the music of different decades.  We also photo bombed every single picture that was taken that night…here’s hoping those turn out as gems!

#2: Warm air and fried food is the new prescription for college fatigue.  I abandoned the hill early Saturday morning to get some much deserved/needed desired r and r, so I headed for Carolina Beach, where my rents and Pop and Dolly were hanging out.  I hopped out of my car and onto the boat that whisked me away to a yummy lunch in Wilmington.  Then we headed back, took a nap, ate some more, and spent some much appreciated time laughing and catching up. I left my brief stint in paradise with farewells of, “Act like you’ve got some sense” and, “Remember who you are and whose you are.” Typical.  It was definitely a treat and I sure hope memories of sunshine and seafood don’t cast a lethargic mood over my very busy, upcoming week!

The view from the boat:

Pop and Dolly lounging:

#3: Movies in college<movies in high school.  Remember those days when you’d walk into your high school classroom and the old school dinosaur of a TV would be rolled out in front of the white board?  Your heart swooped into the heavens, did a few somersaults, and landed in a pool of chocolate fondue…. Okay maybe that’s an exaggeration but seeing that rickety TV cart was the greatest thing in the whole world when I was in high school.  Come to college, complete 180.  Now those devils they call professors assign movies outside of class.  They are THREEEEEEEE hours long, in a different language, and if possible, worse than Lord of the friggin Rings.  This week I watched a subtitled movie that was three hours long.  I totally can’t wait to write a paper on it!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! Real World: 1, Me: 0.

#4: Another year has passed since that fateful day.  Every year when September 11 rolls around, I’m kind of at a loss for words or feelings.  It seems like every year on that day my friends and I end up asking/answering the question: Where were you when you found out?  Well, I was in the third grade eating my snack of cheese stick and pepperoni slices (classic).  By that point most of the people in my class had already been picked up from school and my teacher turned the TV on, which looking back seems a little odd in a third grader’s classroom.  Anyways, I’d be lying if I said I knew what was going on then and I certainly didn’t know how to feel.  As I’ve grown up and watched the footage of the planes crashing into the Twin Towers, all I can think about is its mark on our country and history.  Even in the third grade, I knew it was a big deal and it amazes me that it was able to affect me as a young person.  If someone asked me what marks us as Americans/makes me feel American, I, along with many others from my generation, would probably mark that event.  On that day, each year, time skips a beat for everyone in our country it feels like.  They see a flag, a name, a pepperoni and they remember where they were and how grateful they are for their family and for their country.  It’s sad that it takes something like that attack for me to take time out of my day to recognize this country that I’m lucky to live in, but amazing at the same time. 

UNC's dedication in our quad:

 #5:  Happy Birthday Granddad! I owe you a special thank you after these 78 35 years and that is for my friends.  It’s so funny when I meet people’s parents and they say, “Hollingsworth?  Is your grandfather Dr. Claude Hollingsworth? He delivered (insert friend’s name here)!” So thank you Granddad for them and thank you for teaching me, from a young age, the value of respect and love.  I am so grateful to have you in my life!  Happy Birthday!

#6: Happy 15th anniversary Holly and Marshall!!!! I hope that when I have been married for fifteen years that I am half as happy as you two are.  You have set a great example for what love should be and I am so proud of y'all and your family.  Thank you for being there when I needed to escape my own brand of crazy that resides in my house and for answering your phone when I have needed you most.  You two are the best.  Here's to many more anniversaries!  P.S. Sorry you guys are old.  

From the wedding, soooooooooo many years ago:

To brighten your week:

            If you think about it, say a little prayer that I pass my exams and can continue my journey through the real world.  If I don’t, my mom says I can always come home and go to Strayer University.  My dad however says I can’t live at home.  Anyways I might be in trouble to say the least so let’s hope I ace them!  I hope you all get a little r and r yourselves this week! Love ya. Miss ya. Mean it.

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