Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hop on Pop


“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.  It will not lead you astray.”

            I’m officially the worst granddaughter ever. It has taken me five unforgivable days to get this blog posted and for that, I am very very sorry.  Nevertheless, November 9th was an extraordinarily important day: MY PAPA’S BIRTHDAY!  Once again, I’m at a loss for trying to describe the person I love.  This is always so difficult for me because I feel like my words can’t always do my heart justice when I attempt to express how I feel about someone.  Anyways, I will do my best to praise one of the most important men in my life…

            I have great friends and they come from great families and they have great stories to tell about their great lives with the great families they come from, but honestly, they pale in comparison to my great family.  Sometimes I hear my friends tell stories about how sweet and nice their grandfathers are and I want to be like NO.  YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND.  You grandpa ain’t got nothing on either of mine!  (Rest assured I do not in fact say this, as I would like to keep my friends.)  But honestly I have the best grandfathers a girl could ask for.  Pop is particularly special just cause.  When I was little I used to tell everyone that I was going to marry Pop when I grew up.  Creepy as that may have been, I was a very wise youngster and I meant it…not literally of course, but Pop is everything a man should be: he puts his family before himself over and over again, he is kind, he is a wonderful cook, he sings, he still dotes on my Dolly, and he makes very strong drinks.  If I can one day find a husband that is half the man that my Papa is, I will be a very drunk lucky girl.

            One year Pop was given the very formidable task of picking me up from camp.  This can be a traumatic experience for anyone as I spend the majority of the day weeping over friends that I won’t see for a year…yikes.  Anyways, Pop showed up with my favorite snacks and a mission: he had brought along a map and together we were going to try to find a license plate from all 50 states on the way from Nashville to Cleveland.  By the time we neared Cleveland, I think we had like 46 of the 50 license plates, and what did Pop do?  Took me to two Cracker Barrels, the alleged hotspots for tourists.  Honestly, I don’t even remember if we found the other four plates but I to this day remember the feeling of amazement and appreciation I felt for this man who was working so hard to make me feel special-he wanted me to have fun and not be sad about leaving all my friends behind.  I wish I had known what a good friend I had sitting next to me in that driver’s seat…

            I could sing his praises all day, but the last story I will tell is best described as “the ranking”.  I know this comes as a real shocker to you all, but I like to win.  Everything is (sometimes unreasonably) a competition and a few years ago (when my terrible aunts decided to infringe on mine and Whit’s reign as grandchildren by having three kids!?!?!) I developed a ranking system, 1-5, 1 being the favorite.  I, sassy as I am, of course claimed the #1 spot for myself.   This position has lasted for a number of reasons:  my brother has wonderfully been blessed with a sense of humor and the ability to look over my dysfunction, my other cousins are too young to care, and Pop wants to humor me I guess. As the years have passed, Pop and I have exchanged numerous emails/letters/gifts/phone calls with each other and each time he addresses me as #1 and I depart him as #1.  What I realized the other day when he responded (as so few people do) to one of my blogs is that he is my #1.  Papa, you have no idea how much you mean to me.  I think about you when I see Cracker Barrels, out of state license plates, pistachios (your favorite nut), western movies, or love in the world. 

            A very happy belated birthday to you, Papa! I will be waiting to see you at Thanksgiving, life savers and tomatoes in tow J
Love ya.  Miss ya.  Mean it.
Lei scarpini de bailare,


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