Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving and all the fixins!

November 28, 2011

“Some days in life are hard. But most days are pretty good…yup, most days are pretty good.”

            Hello loved ones! I’m sorry for the delay on the blog, but I have been consumed by Thanksgiving break, as I hope you have been as well.  I have had some pretty good days in the past few weeks and once again, I hope you enjoy hearing about them.

#1: In the real world, when it is uncharacteristically warm outside, you must make it REALLLLLL cold inside.  This past week, it was pushing 70 degrees in the hill and it was no surprise to me that winter had not hit Charlotte or my thanksgiving destination, Nashville.  When I arrived in the country music capitol, I was rushed over to “Ice” extravaganza, a wonderland in which gigantic sculptures are made entirely of ice.  And if that weren’t enough, they make slides made of ice, yes slides.  While Whit and I were freezing our flippin booties off not bold enough to face the ice slide, the prospect of a frozen tush couldn’t stop the rest of the Hollingsworth-Adams-Conner-Whitsitt-Sharp clan.  Shout out to Uncle Lew for getting us tickets to the super fun, super cold kick off to the Thanksgiving celebrations, which leads me to my next real world story…

#2: There is one thing my Thanksgiving is notorious for: having the most disgusting food in the entire world…bahahhahahahah WHAT A JOKE!! I know everyone thinks their families have the best Thanksgiving feast but they’re delusional and need to be committed to an insane asylum.  My family makes the most delicious food you have ever laid eyes on and the only thing that beats the grub is the company. This year, I was sat with Whit, my aunt Stephanie 2A, my cousin Sydney, ANDDDDD a “Rhodes scholar”, our very own Forrest Conner.  The day was spent eating our weight in gourmet foods, playing Canasta, and witnessing some of the best dance moves I have seen thus far in my life, compliments of Walker and Elizabeth Conner.  The day was truly one to be thankful for.

#3: For those of you who are not lucky enough to see Whit Hollingsworth all that often because of his fairly recent relocation to Cleveland, or “Clevegas” as he fondly refers to it, I feel sorry for you.  June was the last time that I was blessed with his presence and I was well overdue for another good laugh.  The purpose of Whit’s existence is to make you laugh; sometimes I wonder if he plans it all out or if life just conveniently presents him with material for his next comedic gesture.  There is no real way to recount my time with him so I will just share a few brief moments of laughter inducing:
1.     As previously mentioned, the fam made a trip to an ice sculpture show.  While the rest of us bundled up in cable knit scarves and thick sweater, Whit donned the ever-popular khaki shorts…to a flippin ice show. The comedy was found in Whit’s sporadic sprints through the ice sculptures and continual exclamations of “It’s Cold!!”.  Brava big bro.
2.     Somehow I got tricked into was lucky enough to ride with Whit to Asheville, where Whit met some friends for a concert.  On the way there, we had to compromise on the music selection.  As I tend to listen to a lot of musicals and Kelly Clarkson, and Whit prefers the ever-endearing lyrics of Lil Wayne, middle ground is hard to come by.  Luckily, Whit and I were raised in the 90s and can therefore always be pacified by the angsty-ness of Counting Crows, the quick raps of the Spin Doctors, and the overall freakiness of “Ice Ice Baby”.  Listening to Whit sing these songs is enough laughter for a lifetime and if I can record the tunes next time, I’ll try!
Anyways, it’s hard to remember all of the things Whit does to make me laugh, but if you haven’t had a dose of him lately, give him a call! He particularly enjoys discussing the STATE of Rhode Island and the need for a 46-inch TV.

#4: Sometimes in the real world, you meet people that are truly good. From their perfectly self-manicured lawns to their coveted costume jewelry, it’s just all good.   This type of person is a rare gem and when you come across them, you must cherish their company; this is why no trip to Charlotte is complete without a visit with my truly good neighbor, Ms. Nel Nielson.  Ms. Nielson is the kind of woman who will always refer to her husband as “My Johnny” and scoffs at the idea of beginning one’s evening festivities past 11pm.  Anyway, I was lucky enough to have time to pop into her warm home, smelling of yummy orange slices, for a few minutes and listen to her compliment me, something I will never grow too old for J During my visit, I was entrusted with the quote for today’s “Real World” and she told me that most days really are pretty good…just like her.  Ms. Nielson’s refreshing message was a perfect seal to my trip and I was able to head back to the thrill with a hopeful heart and mind, ready to embrace the chaos that will be exams.

A few other highlights of the last couple weeks include the anxiously awaited Clef Hanger Fall Concert (yes, it was everything I hoped for!!), more attacks from domesticated Chapel Hill squirrels, and many a fiasco at Habitat for Humanity (seriously, you people gotta stop letting me use a hammer!).  I might fall off the planet for the next few weeks as exams approach and require my Christmas distracted undivided attention!! Love you. Miss you. Mean it.

WRITE ME BACK!!!!!!!!!
Mom braving the ice slide:

Me and the laughing man:
P.S: sorry no one gets too see our glorious feast.  I had all intentions to take pictures of it but my stomach was opposed to postponing the feast for taking pictures...sorry!