January 22, 2012
“She turned her can’ts into cans and her dreams into plans.” –Kobi Yamada
To be honest I took a bit of an escape from the real world this week! As it is only the second week of classes, things are still moving fairly slow so I have not been stressed to get all of my work. This free time has given me the opportunity to go for runs, read my textbooks, and clean my room read Harry Potter. What can I say? I’m a sucker for Harry! Anywho, while this week did not prove to be particularly productive, it was very exciting…here’s why:
#1: Distance does make the heart grow fonder but lack of distance makes things a whole lot funner!! (Yes I know that’s not a word but I’m trying to make it happen.) This weekend, my friend Paulina and I made the trip to Clemson, South Carolina to visit our friends Grace, Elizabeth (who go to Clemson), and Ginny (who goes to South Carolina). It was so fun to reunite, if only for a couple of days, and to explore the very small beautifully compact town of Clemson! Love you guys…and your dance moves! A special sidenote to Miss Shelly Mann: While Grace and I were visiting and enjoying our dinner, we sadly realized that there has been a shortage of your addictive toffee this year. A girl sure would be lucky… ;)
Ginny, Paulina, and Me
Silly Grace and I forgot to get a pic but luckily we have plenty!!
#2: Younger people are cooler people. Two of my wonderful cousins, Violet and Bo, celebrated their 11th and 9th birthdays this week, respectively. I’m not sure when they got so old and so cool but I must have missed out on it because when I called to wish them Happy Birthdays, Violet was making dinner reservations and Bo was preparing for his video game party…say what now? After a quick life evaluation, I realized my inability to speak to strangers on the phone and inability to operate any tech item, qualifies me as a huge dork. Thank you and happy birthday to Vi and Bo, two of the best cousins eva!
Me, Bo, and another great cousin, Walter
Me and Violet in Wyoming
#3: America means three things to college students: cowboy boots, red lipstick, and Tarheels! This past week, Tri Delta and Alpha Delta Pi sororities celebrated a “Go Heels Go America” mixer with Beta and Phi Delt fraternities, and let me just say our country was well represented. Everyone showed up decked in their best red, white, and Carolina blue ready to dance to country music and have a good laugh at everyone’s costumes.
#4: “You must welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler.” –Denis Waitley
When I stopped in Charlotte on the way home from Clemson, I realized that the Hollingsworth family is certainly abiding by these wise words as the demolition of our former kitchen/dining room/living room continues to progress. When I think of our family’s kitchen I think about Whit and I laying in the middle of the cork floor and all the delicious pot roasts made in my mom’s ancient crock-pot. I think about my dad, mom, brother, and myself sitting around our small dining room table playing “best and worst of the day” at dinnertime. The kitchen is where we greeted our guests, where we got our mouths washed out with soap for letting swear words slip, and where we opened college acceptance letters. It’s a little sad to think that this kitchen is gone, but hearing about the big plans Craig and Ash have for our new one gets me pumped for all the new memories it will hold…and all the yummy meals it will help my mama to cook! So stop by the Hollingsworth household and check out the progress and the makeshift porch kitchen.
#5: Dancing cures all of the real world’s problems. As many of you have heard/ witnessed, I LOVE to dance. I like to shag, boogy, invent, and do really any kind of dance! This is why I am participating in UNC’s Dance Marathon, benefitting the North Carolina Children’s Hospital on February 17th-18th! I will be putting my dance skills to the true test by dancing for 24 hours straight and I would love y’alls support! How can you do this? By sponsoring me of course…here is the link to my sponsor page; if I can get seven people to donate $1 for every hour I dance, I will surpass my fundraising goal of $150. I would really appreciate any donations or dance move suggestions…youtube anyone?
Things to brighten your week:
Just hangin' out...
We don't stop playing because we get old.
We get old because we stop playing.
Can't wait to hear about what has been happening in your real worlds! Love you. Miss you. Mean it.