Sunday, September 30, 2012

Light At the End of the Tunnel


“After careful consideration and many sleepless nights, here’s what I’ve decided. There’s no such thing as a grown-up.  We move out, we move away from our families.  But the basic insecurities, the fears and all the old wounds just grow up with us. Just when you think life has forced you to truly become an adult, your mother says something like that.  We get bigger, taller, older.  But, for the most part, we’re still a bunch of kids, running around the playground, trying desperately to fit in.”
-Meredith Grey

            This was a doozy of a week and, admittedly, it gave me a run for my money.  But I have survived the storm and have once again been successfully initiated into college exams…the realness within the real world.  Sometimes these types of weeks can breed the best perspectives though.  I have found a renewed inspiration for crafting, which comes at a good time because I am making lots of new pressies for my new tri delta little sis.  As the library late nights and hair loss from last week drift away with the warm weather, I am gearing up for a relaxing week leading up to…PARENTS WEEKEND 2012!!!!!  Parents weekend, for those of you who don’t remember is a weekend when parents get to see what they’re spending their money on parents join us native tarheels in celebration of our school, sororities, and parties.  This weekend my rents will be arriving just in time for our football game against Virginia Tech.  We will be going to Tri Delt’s parents cocktail and dancing a lot!!! And there is guaranteed to be lots of yummy food and hot weather (which can cause lots of profanity to ensue sometimes…)! Anyways with an oasis on the desert horizon, I am heading into this week cool, calm, and collected.  I’m Dr. Phil y’all!

#1:  There is a comedian named Brian Regan who does this bit about people who get flustered and don’t know what to say.  (This is the link to his live bit:  Anyways the idea is that people go into an airport and the person at the ticket desk says, “Have a nice flight” and the person says “You too”… AWKWARD since they are likely not going on the flight.  Another example: you order a delivery pizza and they say, “Enjoy your pizza” and your response is, “You too”.  Anyways the bit is about misplaced responses which I encountered a LOT this week!!!  The best example I can remember occurred Wednesday morning as I was leaving my News Writing Class.  As I was walking out the door I wished my Professor a good weekend and he replied, “Yeah! It was really good to see you!”  Like what????  You too.  Let’s do this again sometime!  Next week maybe?  Same time?  Odd.  But it made me laugh.

#2:  Fraternity houses are no place for squirrels…or any living thing for that matter.  Unfortunately, even after careful supervision and sincere nurturing, Baby Beta Squirrel passed away this past week from unknown causes.  He was certainly a nutty character but warm presence in that house nonetheless.  RIP BBS.

#3:  Swings are fun.  This weekend I got back to the basics at a local playground/park and it was just what I needed!  If you don’t remember, I am involved in an organization here at UNC called “Best Buddies” and I am paired with a mentally handicapped adult.  For Molly (my the best buddy) this group mostly consists of us hanging out, Molly calling me 14 times a day, many of them before 8am, and us laughing…a lot.  This weekend was the first group meeting where all the buddies and college buddies gathered to hang out in the sunshine and eat a whole lot of Harris Teeter chocolate cake.  (There was also white grape juice, which I am a huge fan of.)  Anywho, Molly and I posted up on the swings while she caught me up on her sister’s dog and the pizza she had for dinner last night.  We also had a very serious chat about her not calling me so early.  And then we drew some Picasso-status pictures.  It was a great day!!

#4:  I made a lapse in judgment.  Remember when I wrote all of those wonderful things about that nobody we call Whit?  Well this week he told me I wasn’t as funny as he is.  (Bad mistake sucka.)  Anyways I wrote all of those things because he held a gun to my head…I don’t actually think he’s all that cool.  Did I tell you he once pushed me into a wine display at the Harris Teeter???  Every single one of those suckers fell and shattered, leaving a sea of red wine.  All his fault but blamed on me.  Shame on you big brother. #24 on that stupid list of things I love about him: he’s mischievous. 

            I’m off to watch Breaking Bad, a TV series that I have just been introduced to and am strangely addicted to.  It’s pretty terrifying but also very interesting with great acting…if you’re lookin’ for a new show or a distraction ya know?  Anyways, I’d LLLLLLOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEEE to hear about what is going on in your real worlds.  Even if you think it isn’t that neat, it’s probably just exactly what I’ve been hoping to hear about J  Love ya.  Miss ya.  Mean it.
