Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Parents' Weekend 2012


“Bottom line…enjoy right now.  Regardless of who you are and how old you are.  What you have done, failed to do, been or failed to be is irrelevant.  Right now is the best time of your life, so enjoy it.”
-Pop Whitsitt

Whoa.  I cursed myself last week by hoarding the term “uneventful”.  This week was far from the quiet boredom of last week, filled with lots of “exciting” things!

#1: Deer are faster than labradoodles.  Let me paint you a picture here:  I’m walking my beloved four-legged friend, Luca, this past Thursday, like I do every Thursday.  We are enjoying the remnants of summer in the Chapel Hill Woodlands, a tranquil neighborhood filled with acres and acres of tall trees and beautiful houses, a neighborhood where chipmunks run and play in hollowed out tree stumps and the grass is truly greener.  As we frolic among the quiet streets Luca spots something.  Alas, a deer!  One of the many white-tailed beauties in this neighborhood.  Oh but this is not just any deer, no.  It is the world’s greatest, most athletic looking deer in the whole world, a valid threat to my speed walking dog.  Naturally, Luca and I must challenge this gazelle-deer hybrid to a leisurely race through the woods.  And so it ensues…girl chasing dog chasing deer.  Eventually, to Luca’s disappointment and my answered prayers, Luca snagged his leash (which was previously YANKED out of my hand…when the streaking through the woods really ensued) on an unsuspecting branch and was forced to forfeit the race.  In what was a very unsportsmanlike display of rudeness, the deer turned back to panting Luca and me and gave as a look as if to say, “better luck next time suckers” before prancing away into the woods.  Emerging from the forest, thorn scratched and sweaty, Luca and I decided to retire our days of being deer chasers.  Needless to say, I will be keeping a very tight hold on the leash from now on. 

The Culprit:

#2: Property of the 80s: big hair, big sequins, and…terribly hot and poorly ventilated rain jackets?  While I commend the hair and sequins and appreciate their comeback, it was time to see the ladder go.  An 80s gem fell into my hands a few years back when I inherited my aunt Mary’s rain jacket.  The thing is super cute: navy blue with small white whales printed all over.  It looks like vintage J. Crew!  I’m telling you this jacket is not short on style.  What it is short on: the ability to allow its wearer to breathe.  I swear I don’t know how the production of such a jacket was ever legal!  It is made of thick (basically) rubber and has absolutely no attempt at any ventilation.  So every time I wear the darned thing I’m about as wet from sweating as I would be had I braved the elements sans hot flipping jacket!  Anyways my mom has been willing to buy me a new, modern rain jacket, which allows its owner to not sweat to death for a quite a while now.  Unfortunately I’ve been terribly lazy busy and have been unable to procure such a jacket.  This past weekend, my rain prayers were answered and mama came through with a brand new normal person rain jacket!!!! Riveting information to you all I know.  J

#3:  Parents: can’t live with them and…well ya can’t live with them.  I’m only joking but this past weekend was Tri Delta’s annual parents’ weekend and Craig and Ashley arrived Friday afternoon ready to boogy, drink, smile, sweat, laugh, and eat.  If you’ll remember, I was gone for ten weeks this summer and was not at home for very long at all.  Unfortunately my absence permitted me to forget my parents’ obscene schedule.  After partying Friday night at the Parents’ Cocktail, those crazy cats woke me up at 8:30 the next morning ready for breakfast.  I’m in college…on a Saturday…at 8:30!  After a delicious meal, we headed to the heat pit we call a stadium to watch the Heels play the Hokies.  Let me tell you it was hotter than 40 hells!  But the rents were great sports and we spent most of the rest of the weekend recovering resting!   It was really great to see them and I can’t wait for photos from the cocktail to be sent out (cause we didn’t take any ourselves?!?!?!).

Me and my roommate from last year, Mackenzie, ready for parents' cocktail!

            Anywho, this week I have a spanish presentation on the agenda as well as a philanthropy event (if you’d like to learn more about it and donate to a great cause PLEASE click on this link and contribute to the “James Alexander Low Country Boil” at the bottom of the page: http://www.trideltaunc.com/).  Our new pledge class will also be taking their new member pledge retreat this weekend and CAMPING OUT, which should be interesting.  I will also be attending my first Habitat for Humanity build of the semester this weekend, which should also be interesting.  Lots of exciting things to come!  Let me know what’s going on with you and yours!!!!!
Love ya.  Miss ya. Mean it.

Funnies for the week: