Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day


Love is patient, love is kind…
It bears all things,
believes all things,
hopes all things,
endures all things.
- 1 Corinthians 13:4, 7

            This special edition of the Real World is for Valentine’s Day and is for you, the ones I love.  In the midst of the beginning of a very hectic and stressful week, filled with exams and hours in the library, a bright piece of home has arrived in the form of a package.  Many of you probably missed out on my request for Ms. Shelly Mann’s delicious toffee a couple of weeks ago, after all it was very subtle.  Nonetheless, Ms. Shelly did not disappoint!  For the past couple of weeks I have been anxiously awaiting the package email that would reunite me with this deliciously addictive sweet and finally the day arrived, and just in time for valentine’s day…lovely.  Thank you again Ms. Shelly; I am currently looking for a top secret hiding spot where I can store my toffee and protect it from the thieving girls on my hall ;)

My toffee

            Dear boys, I hope that you have all come up with something truly spectacular to do for your gals tomorrow!  This is the one day you have get to be the romantic stud from the movies and we ladies do not like to be disappointed.  So wear your brightest pink or red, pick up some flowers (my favorite are spider mums and hydrangeas), and most importantly, be nice. 

 True Love (and some funnies)

"Ideally, i'll never get old. (but if i must, i'd rather do it with you)"

Love ya. Miss ya. Mean it.
James Dean, my Valentine...i wish.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I'm Funny


“Be the kind of woman who, when your feet hit the floor in the morning, the Devil says, ‘Oh no, she’s up’.”

            Another good week in the Real World! I’m gearing up for a History exam on Tuesday, a fundraising Pancake Dinner on Thursday at the Tri Delt house (check out the banner I painted with my friend Maggie!), an Econ exam on Friday, and UNC’s Dance Marathon Friday-Saturday!!! By the way, it isn’t too late to donate to the cause supporting the NC Children’s Hospital.  This is the link to it:
Thank you again to those of you who helped me raise money; I really appreciate it and I know the kiddos at the hospital will too!  Anyway, this is what happened in the Real World these past two weeks:

The banner Maggie and I painted:

 #1: People in the real world are VERY serious about their sports.  Neither of my parents have had a strong allegiance to a particular sports’ team so as Whit grew up, he was kind of left up to his own devices when it came to choosing a college basketball team to root for.  Because Whit shares an unnatural fondness for my cousin Holly, who went to Duke, Whit chose to be a blue devil, and because I hold an unnatural fondness for Whit, I also called my self a Duke fan when the infamous UNC vs. Duke games rolled around.  When I decided on UNC for school, I felt the need to switch allegiances, and as I had not been a devout Duke fan anyway, it wasn’t a huge deal. Call me a traitor all you want but the sky will always be Carolina blue, which means we’ve got God on the Tarheels’ side.  Anyways this past Tuesday was the big face off between the devils and the heels and I learned very quickly that to be a sometimes fan was no longer acceptable.  So I donned my colors and headed off to watch the game at a local restaurant.  The atmosphere was nothing less than chaotic: screaming boys, shaking tables, sloshed drinks, and LOUD cheering.  Every basket for the heels was like a personal victory for each fan and the restaurant went crazy.  The real kicker, for those of you who didn’t watch the game (shame on you Grace Mann), came during the last second.  Chapel Hill was up by two points when Dookie freshman, Rivers, made a three point shot…dead silence in the restaurant.  It was certainly a disappointment but both teams played a great game and that was a stellar shot for the freshy.  Fortunately we play the devils again in just a couple of weeks and will have a chance to whoop their booties in THEIR house.  Ra ra Carolina ‘lina. Go to hell Boo Duke.
The infamous shot:

#2: Astronomers are cuties.  I have recently decided to change my major to astronomy on account of I learned this week in my astronomy lab that ALL astronomy grad students are level 11 on the cuteness scale.   I considered sending out an “Alert Carolina” email to educate the people on this campus about these hidden stars (see what I did there?) but I have temporarily opted to keep this information to myself, giving me a better chance of being invited to the planetarium for a star gazing date.  I have composed a short list of science-based jokes to help break the ice with the nerds:

 I will have to take physics and chemistry to be astronomy major so the plan is a bit problematic but I will keep you all updated on my quest for dorky love!

#3: I was unaware that in order to succeed in the real world, you really do need a good set of “party tricks”.  I’ve tried everything: playing the ukulele, juggling clementines, doing a handstand, but I am no good at any of these things.  This week I have taken to telling the above science jokes in order to impress all of my new friends and teachers but I am quickly running out of witty funnies so if anyone has any suggestions that I can add to my repertoire, I would be very appreciative.  So far I am most impressed by people that can pogo stick, do a back flip, sing, or play darts…I’ve got big shoes to fill.

            In other news, the Great Gatsby cocktail was very fun and I had a great time shag dancing to “Our Love Beats Music” and “Be Young, Be Foolish, Be Happy”.  Also, Mama came last week, bearing gifts and dinner promises.  It was great to see her, if only for a short time! Hope that your weeks have been stellar; I’d love to hear about them.  Love ya. Miss ya. Mean it.

Great Gatsby Cocktail with my roommates for next year:

 Dinner with some gals:

R.I.P. Whitney
