Greetings lovelies! I am SO SO sorry that this week’s edition of my update is a little late. I had a very important Italian quiz this morning that I could not have done enough studying for and I also had to read 62 pages in “The Good Soldier”, which might quite possible be the densest book ever. Anyway, while I would have much rather been writing about my weekly experiences, I was committed to the library for a good three hours late last night. Better late than never I guess though, even if this week was a bit anti-climactic for a college student…haha enjoy!
#1: I’m not entirely sure my first point applies to the entirety of the real world but it is common in Chapel Hill and it has been something that I have had to err…”adjust” to. What is it? Domesticated squirrels. In Charlotte, the squirrels are skittish and we steer clear of each other; if my memory does not deceive me, I believe I was even told rumors of rabies when I was a kid. This is not the case for UNC schools. Not only are the squirrels here not afraid of people, they are actually a little invasive in my opinion. I will sit down in the grassy area of the quad with my thermos and homework and next thing I know a fluffy-tailed squirrel is pawing through my $200 textbook and indulging in my homemade coffee cake. Note to squirrels: I ain’t afraid of you now either and next time you interrupt my Monday morning lounge time, I’ll throw ya. So there.
#2: Living in the real world has presented a people-watching lover like myself with a wonderful opportunity. This campus is very conducive to sneaky surveillance and these are just a few things that I blissfully (and sometimes not so) observed this week:
· People walk to class. They bike to class. I have even seen a few rollerblades in my days here, but not until last Wednesday did I receive my first real treat to class transportation: a Segway. Oh yes, this is real life we’re talking about. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud, and subsequently attract curious looks, when I saw a helmet-clad girl leaning through crowds of innocent college students on her red Segway. All I can ask is “do you want to be that girl?” I sure hope so because I thoroughly enjoy watching your escapades.
· The boys here are truly idiots when it comes to dressing themselves and I tend to think that no one should leave the house without consulting me first but this next trend is truly terrible for anyone’s standards and I feel personally offended. Today in class I saw a boy, a lumberjack bearded boy I might add, wearing a madras plaid short-sleeved button down (shout out Craig Hollingsworth!!) with a mesh jersey over it. But wait, there’s more!! Both of these things were tucked into belted jeans atop white reebok sneakers. Uh uh my friend!!!
#3: There is a LOT of crying in the real world and this week in particular I have experienced unprecedented amounts of waterworks. I won’t harp on it, but I really do hate to see people cry. It makes me so terribly uncomfortable and I tend to avoid having to witness that kind of emotion all together. Someone must be out to get me because both of my suite mates broke up with their long time boyfriends this past week and along with that came rivers upon rivers of loud tears. I just cannot handle that. I am very sorry for your heartbreak but take care of that in the solitude of your own room…not in mine…not on my bed…not with my tissues.
#4: There is no concept of a “week night” in the real world. I am certain that I am the least cool person in my family and this new tradition of going out EVERY night, and I am not joking here, has been truly upsetting to me! Someone somewhere always wants to go out. Excuse me but I have classes, don’t you guys ever sleep? No. I’m sorry party people but I do not want to join your club. I will not drink the Kool-Aid.
#5: Visitors are awesome, even in the real world. Saturday my mom came bearing homemade coffee cake, promises of pedicures, and warm winter sweaters! Could you ask for anything more? I submit that you could not. I welcome anyone else that might be passing through the 27514 area…I’ll give you the grand tour of the campus, dorm, and tri delt house, and who knows? We may even be serenaded by some Clef Hangers ;) A girl can dream.
I am shamed to say that last week’s edition passed by without any mention of the date that it was sent out on. I was in the third grade during snack time eating string cheese and pepperonis when I found out about the first plane crashing into the twin towers. It didn’t mean a whole lot to me then, but it is amazing to think that 10 years have passed and the impact is still powerful in our nation. Never forget.
That’s all folks. I hope you are well; I’d love to hear from you!
Until next time,
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