“Cause dreamin’ alone is a shame indeed
but if you got love that’s all you need.
So be young, be foolish, girl be happy.”
--The Tams
I apologize dear loved ones for the delay in this week’s edition of “Welcome to the Real World”, but I was busy devoting most of my time to a lofty Italian Midterm and to be honest, I was lacking motivation. While my week has been nothing less than stellar, I must admit my disappointment in my recent audience. I love and appreciate each and every one of you cool cats and I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!! Serious props extend to Miss Trish Hobson for always updating me on her life back in Charlotte and to my glorious Aunt Cynthia, whom doesn’t even have a computer to read my emails from (come on guys?!?), for telling me about live in Nashville. I have been mulling the idea over in my head for the past few weeks on whether or not to make my little weekly email into a blog and this week presents the perfect opportunity for that: fall break!!! After I make it, I will leave the ball in your courts regarding whether or not you follow the life of a UNC college student. That being said, I really hope you are all well and that your weeks were as eventful as mine…girl sure would be lucky to know about them J
#1: PARENTS WEEKEND!!!!!!!! While this event took place near the end of my week, it was definitely the highlight and therefore deserves the number one spot! Friday night was met with high heels, yummy food, and LOTS of dancing…for me. The rents arrived circa 4 pm for the Tri Delta Parents Cocktail and the fun was quick to start. After a quick fall sweep of my closet, the parentals and I went our separate ways: I to my hair rollers and “Bad Gal” mascara, them to their luxurious hotel for preparation. Check out the hotel: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=run+down+hotel+room&hl=en&biw=1440&bih=712&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=SZXN1rilzwby4M:&imgrefurl=http://goldsea.com/Text/index.php%3Fid%3D1754&docid=kNg-zrtzW0BPJM&imgurl=http://goldsea.com/Text/images/665.jpg&w=440&h=293&ei=GaKdTvyODuKViALbhJSTCg&zoom=1 The hotel spells glamorous: G-R-O-S-S. Anyways, despite the initial shock from the hotel, my parents showed up to dinner dressed to the nines: Craig in a new Carolina blue tie, Ash in a glam silver dress, and everyone in their dancing shoes! We ate a delicious meal at a local Italian restaurant and then were off to the Carolina Inn to make our fashionably late appearance…psyche! We were the first ones to arrive, but did that damper the Hollingsworth clan’s fun? Have you met us? Mom and I were singing right along to the band’s optimal choice of 70s music and Dad was wishing the bar had opened I’m sure. After a short half hour filled with talk of dancing, the real fun started. The room was filled with Tri Delts of all ages and while I was unable to drag daddy-o out on the dance floor, I left my mark on a few unsuspecting brothers who were in town to escort their sisters. Can anyone say Dancing With the Stars? After a night filled with fun, the rents and I met up the next morning for the Miami vs. Chapel Hill game which we went to accompanied by a couple of my best frandsss Elizabeth and Grace. We ate soft pretzels, cheered on the Heels, and got roasted in the sun and then headed back to my dorm to meet my wonderful grandparents, Pop and Dolly. We gathered ourselves once more and ventured out on a quick campus tour before arriving at the Tri Delta house for a post game tailgate, complete with banana pudding and catered barbeque. The day could not have been more perfect for me and while my parents couldn’t face La Quinta hotel for one more night, the short time I got to spend with them and my grandparents was awesome!!
#2: Make new friends but keep the old; one is silver and the other gold. This rule has taken on a whole new meaning this week. I cannot express to you all how much I have missed my best friends. As previously mentioned, I was able to see two of them this past weekend and it was beyond awesome!! That being said, I have made some great new friends, and one in particular has really stuck out this week. My suitemate Shannon is a very “suite” girl; she is typically pretty quiet/reserved/studious…perfect match for my new bff right? As we were both bogged down with studying for midterms this week, we had little time to interact during the day, but we made up for it for sure! Our nights were filled with popcorn, m&ms, Skype charades, and our renditions of Beyoncé’s biggest hits! We are classy ladies. The nighttime dance marathons were not the only reason Shannon made my list of stars though. Earlier this week, I learned that upon first meeting me, Shannon thought I was really cool and that she was not going to be able to hang out with me on account of me being too cool for her. This of course made me scoff and prompted me to call my friend Grace Baker, whom quickly humbled me by laughing in my face. Me…being cool. No worries there Shann!
#3: The crying continues. I am seriously going to have to relocate because living on a hall with all girls is not a conducive environment for a tear-free lifestyle. I mean if somebody’s not crying, something is wrong. Andddddddd, I don’t know why everyone thinks that my shoulder is prime real estate for tear sessions. Ladies, if boys upset you, quit dating them. If you’re tired, go to sleep. If you have so much work that you are forced to tears, start studying earlier. But really, despite my serious aversion to teary folk, I really do love my hall and I will really miss them as we part for fall break.
That’s all folks. Write me back. Love you, miss you, mean it.
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