Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 7


“Man can learn everything if he will but try.”      
 –The Nawab Bahadur A Passage To India

Dear outside world, this week has been so uneventful I considered skipping this Sunday’s issue but as I promised from the beginning that I would update y’all every week, I am writing.  Also, I am writing in hopes that despite my anti-climatic week, I will get some responses (hint hint) and hear about what is going on in your, what are bound to be more exciting, lives.

#1: Absence makes the heart grow fonder.  This weekend my roommate Mackenzie returned to her hometown of Kinston, North Carolina for the anxiously awaited homecoming football game.  While I was thrilled to have the TV, dancing area, and mirror space all to myself for the weekend, I was quickly wishing for her return.  When I found out that Mack would be gone, I told two of my stinky, loud guy friends that they could stay with me Friday night and then we would all go to the game together.  It was so great to see them after our initial college time apart but I remembered very early on in their visit that they are both stinky and loud.  Ahhh! Go back to UGA and bring me back my nice smelling, soft spoken roommate…and don’t let the door hit you on the way out J

#2: A clean room is a happy room.  This relates back to the stinky loud boys and the mess they managed to make while they were here.  I am sorry to say that my room suffered a weekend of neglect.  Boys apparently don’t have it in their abilities to clean and I was left to make my roommates bed, restore the futon to its original state, and pick up the Cheetos (?!?!?) from the ground.  After I spent a good hour disinfecting mess, some of which was attributed to me to be totally honest, I was a brand new gal and I was able to throw on my best Carolina blue and head of to the, wait for it….

#3: FIRST TARHEEL FOOTBALL GAME!!! That’s right folks; I have been here for a month and a half and have blissfully managed to avoid the blistering heat of the stadium to watch a game that I cannot grasp.  I decided to go this weekend though when the men in blue played Louisville and I am happy to say that I will be returning.  Did you know they give out free pom poms at those things? Count me in! I “ra ra Carolina-d” all quarter long then bid the Tarheels good luck and farewell!

#4: Remember your lies.  Before you freak out, you should know that I had a very good reason behind lying: Clefs.  Oh yes, those beautiful eyed crooning cuties have captured my better judgment once again.  In hopes that my friend Simon would orchestrate some sort of private concert, I told him that Sunday was my birthday and that I was expecting some grand gesture from his singing buddies.  He believed me, which is awesome, but then I forgot.  So when he confronted me to ask if I was going to be available for my birthday present I stupidly replied with, “What? My birthday is in July.” Stupid Kane. He cancelled my surprise and is claiming to be mad at me.  I am not worried and have already begun hatching my next scheme for Clef presence J

*This is not worth its own number but it might be interesting for some of you so I am happy to share: if you do not know who James McAdoo is, do not feel bad because I did not either.  I am told however that he was the number one recruit this year for college basketball and he chose to go here! Yay! Anyways, Mr. Jimmy Mac decided to dine at the Tri Delta house on Friday with me and a few other Myers Park girls.  He was very nice and I have promised to cheer for him this season.  This is a small snippet of our conversation:
K: James, how tall are you?
J: 6 foot 9. What about you small stuff?
K: About the same…

I told you this week was uneventful and I am very sorry that I don’t have more to share, but please stay tuned because this coming week is bound to be thrilling.  I am looking at a week full of cute fall outfits leading up to parents weekend, when I will be joined by Ashley, Craig (fingers crossed), and my Pop and Dolly.  Things are bound to get a little wild and you won’t want to miss it! Love you. Miss you. Mean it.

He’s only 6’9

“The girls” at last weekend’s New Years Cocktail:

Hangin’ with the girls> hangin’ with the boys!


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